KVO at the Manatee Patriots meeting says he never read the comments on the county social media. He didn't care that it was shut down. There is a policy on the social media page as to what may be taken down or deleted but not for the all the sites not to have access by the citizens. He rarely acknowledges citizens comments or e-mails. They play with their phones, talk among each other, eat during citizens comments. This is so disrespectful to the citizens. First amendment cites free speech, but some of our commissioners who espouse the Constitution to us ignores that.

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Once again, right on point. The majority of our current county board members serve two masters…the developers and themselves. Somehow the folks that elected them, the folks they are SUPPOSED TO represent, simply don’t matter.

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Another insightful article by George Kruse.....this time exposing the Gang of Six for their authoritarian tactics in silencing the public......As the author stated, Manatee County citizens have an opportunity to vote this August in the Primary and to vote in the November general election.

For the sake of ending this train wreck and clown car farce of a Board of County Commissioners, vote OUT Kevin Van Ostenbridge; James Satcher and Raymond Turner.....break the grip of the developers who are turning Manatee County (by controlling the Gang of Six commissioners) into a massive urban sprawl with no end in sight....

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Mar 18·edited Mar 18

For people that work and/or depend on the video of meetings, please propose having 2 views simultaneously - a split screen. In addition to a view of the presenter podium, there should always be a camera on the dais, showing the commissioner's activity and reaction. That is an important part of the communication that occurs between the presenter and the listener/receiver. That 2 way communication should be seen, recorded and made part of the public record. The School Board does this. You may not get a 2nd, but the silence will speak volumes. And I believe the public will be in support and start bringing it up, just like they bring up call in comments. Thank you for continuing to write publicly. Finally, Garrett should provide his full name.

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Thank you, Commissioner. I look forward to sharing with others in our community. They need to know.

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Nailed it. .VOTE accordingly....

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Well I thoroughly enjoyed this post as I am new to substack. George I'm having a change of heart for you and I shouldn't. There are things that cannot be unforgiven. There are suspicions why you are being the only voice of reason. I just don't understand why you won't be the whistleblower? Are they still holding dirt? Politically and strategically if one was trying to save their ass after your situation, this is exactly what one would do, the only voice of reason.

I find it hard to believe with corruption running all the way up to our district attorney's office and our governor's desk for these elitist Republicans, That somehow out of the fiery ashes rises the Phoenix for the revenge? Or self-preservation?

Don't get me wrong We already know that April Culbreath is an infiltrator and an embarrassment to the Republican Party. Keith Green is the bottom of the barrel for Pat Neal.

I like what I see George and even if your reelection means four more years of sabotage I'd rather have you deliver the bad news to me. At least this is getting exposed and ventilated as it needs to be. It took us 8 years to get to this point. We can fall back on whistleblower Tanya Shaw and actually follow through with an investigation to begin taking our shadow government down. We just need one whistleblower (that could be you) to share this information with us. Who is our shadow government? I can start naming last family names in the area.

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Kruse 2024

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